
måndag 28 september 2009

Why I love (and you should too) | Blog | Econsultancy

Helge: Twitter is a news source. Learned about Trendsmap today. I've never used this service.

Why I love (and you should too) | Blog | Econsultancy: "Earlier this week I came across a link to On the surface, it's just another program that incorporates a function of Twitter into creating another service. But spend a few minutes with the site and you will quickly realise it is so much more.

Helge: Connect to Twitter...

Because of its run-away success and the ease with which clever developers can leverage its API, Twitter has become an industry unto itself. Every day, it seems there's a new start-up that is incorporating an aspect of Twitter into their new product.

Helge: What does it do?

A lot of them aren't all that useful. But every once in a while, one comes along that stands a real chance of surviving. My latest find that I put in that category is

Helge: Have to get the time to check it out.

What does is display hyperlocal trending topics geographically. In the above screen shot, you can see what the major topics are that Twitter users in the United States are talking about. Go there now and it will be different.

Helge: Hyperlocal sounds intriguing.

This snap-shot into what is captivating a nation is an incredible tool that has applications in marketing, advertising and journalism."

Helge: I see...but have to move from reading to doing!

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